Thursday, August 30, 2012

A message to Mario from the Kittens


Sent at 7:35 PM on Thursday
Calling Mario D'Anna at 7:38 PM on Thursday

wow have the cats been typing you all morning?
there were 23 emails to you they were going to write an email
guess they missed you

junk mail. from my own family!

Guess they had a lot to say. Not only had they typed and sent this to Mario. They called him and tried to send 23 emails to him...luckily they didn't get those to send. I love his reaction in the middle of the message.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

A Moment of Silence Please

Mario just came to me to break the news of the untimely death of our toilet paper holder. Yeah, yeah, we can just go buy another toilet paper holder. The thing is, this one looks like the original toilet paper holder from when this building was built in the 40s!

It's a cute little wooden guy with a small carved peg at one end and a spring and carved wooden peg that inserts at the other end. It was well built and did it's job like no other. The cool part of it was also the problem...the spring. That spring could launch that peg across the room at the most inappropriate times! Especially if you were in a hurry. I can't tell you how many times I've lost the peg and spring behind the toilet or in the bath tub. It was really a pain in the butt. However, it was original and we loved it.

Now, I'm sure you're curious how it met it's end. I was curious myself. Well, Mario has amazing timing. He had run out of toilet paper while he was in there. I came to his rescue and got him another roll. Because of the placement of the wall mount, he decided he'd wait until he was finished with his business to put the roll in the holder.

So, he finished his business, stood, pulled up his shorts, flushed the toilet and promptly launched that bitch straight in to the flushing toilet! Apparently there was no diving after the peg and spring. They were in the depths before he had a chance to even react.

I guess that's why I always replaced the toilet paper before I stood up. I must have recognized the dangers of loosing that peg and spring in the toilet...and used my butt to block their route into the toilet.

We are both really bummed. I wonder if the neighbors still have the original toilet paper holders. I'm going to have to get invited over and see if I can't "replace" ours...with their original holder.  Changing the toilet paper roll will never be the same!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Conversation with the Mister

Mario from the bathroom "...blah blah....which brush..blah blah"

Me trying to figure out what the hell he was talking about, and then just taking a guess, I yell "which ever brush I grab first..." deciding he was asking about our hair brushes. Why, after 6 years of sharing hair brushes, he was asking which brush I use...I have no idea.

I hear him brush his teeth. Then he came into the bedroom.

Mario "Huh? No, which tooth brush do you use?"

Is he serious? 

Me "Are you serious? Which tooth brush did you use?"

Mario "I used the green one"

Me "Yours is the blue tooth brush. Since we moved here in December, your tooth brush has been on the right. The green one was on the left."

Mario "well, I thought the green one was mine"

Me "The tooth brush before this was blue also."

Mario "Hmm..."

Me "Mario, you sleep on the right side of the bed. Your towel is always on the right side of the door. Your tooth brush is on the right. You are a right side man. You put all your stuff on the right. Why would your tooth brush suddenly be on the left."

Mario "Interesting. I didn't notice that. I just thought my tooth brush was green."

Me "You confuse come you are only asking today? I changed the tooth brushes over a week ago! You've been using my tooth brush for a week!"

Mario "I kept forgetting to ask. Well, I guess the blue tooth brush is mine!"

Me "You're crazy."

I only changed the tooth brushes, because mine was still in the car from when I went camping the weekend before. So, I grabbed a new brush for me and I figured, if I was getting a new tooth brush, I should change Mario's also. I actually planned how I would change the tooth brush out, because I knew that even though this should be a simple could possibly confuse the man! However, I figured since his tooth brush was blue already, if I gave him another blue tooth brush, he'd just go with I'll be honest, I wanted the pretty green tooth brush. Well, I guess he wanted the pretty green tooth brush also. He just couldn't keep his hands off it!

The man totally baffles me!