Sunday, December 09, 2012

Christmas Vacation

One of my all time favorite movies is Christmas Vacation. It's so brilliant and awful, that I quote it all year long. It makes me happy. I have a soft spot in my heart for all of the Vacation series...but Christmas Vacation is it for me. I watch it while I wrap presents. I nap to it on the weekend. I quote it endlessly.

When Mario and I met, he had never seen it. I was completely shocked. This man is a movie buff. Name a movie and he'll quote from it. Old or obscure...he probably knows it. But he hadn't seen this Christmas family favorite!

First thing I did was pull out my copy and put it in the dvd player. He fell asleep. I seriously had to consider whether this relationship would go any where. I wasn't sure that I could be with someone who couldn't at least appreciate this movie a little.

Fast forward  six years and he knows it front to back. I say "Let's get around these egg timers" and the man cracks up. He says "Lets burn some dust" and I reply "Eat my road grit liver lips!" So, yesterday as we were instant messaging while he was at work, the conversation automatically turned into Christmas Vacation quotes and it warmed the cockles of my heart.

Me..."I need to find a safe spot for the three photo albums Uncle Chet let me borrow"
Mario..."I have a safe spot for them"
Me..."Bend over and I'll show you"
Mario..."You've got a lot of nerve talking to me like that Griswold"
Me..."I wasn't talking to you"
Mario..."cue the chain saw"
Me..."And to think you hadn't even seen the movie when we first met"
Mario..."I know my quotes now!"
Me..."I think it makes our marriage that much stronger honey."
Mario..." too sweets"

Cheesy, I know...but it makes me matter how cheesy slap schtick it really is. It just makes Christmas for me.

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