Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Do you want to know what's pissing me off today?

A while ago, I bought a couple of computer games on clearance. Now don't give me crap...they're Nancy Drew mystery games. Yes, I bought them at ToysRUs. They're kids games ok! They were really cheap and I thought they'd be fun.

Now I'll be the first to admit that I can be dingy at times. My sister got the smarts in our family. I even remember the day I realized that my little sister was smarter than me. I was around 10 or 12 years old.

Pinochle was the game that my father's family always played. As a child, I remember hours spent watching my family sitting around the table playing. I would sit on my dad's lap and try to figure out what was going on. When we were old enough, we talked my dad and grandma into teaching us. It was a quiet afternoon. Dad and Grandma had laid out the cards and rules. We were on our way to finally playing the family game. It was dad and Grandma against me and Lindsay. Why the beginners were on one team and the experienced players on the other, I don't know. However, we were having fun and were actually doing pretty well.

Half way through the second game, my sister couldn't decide which card to play. She started talking through her options.

"Well grandma has played this card and that card. Dad has played this card and this card. You could be holding that card. If I play this card, that will flush out that card and hopefully another one of those. But if I play this card then this will happen."

I remember just staring at her. That was the moment that I figured it little sister is smarter than me. Two years younger than me, and she knew to think ahead to figure out what could happen. The girl remembered what cards had been played. And she knew what cards the adults would play depending on what card she laid down. This is something that hadn't really occurred to me. I was merely going through the motions. Playing more of a guessing game.

It was one of those moments that I have thought about many times over the years. She knows the story and I've told many other people about it, because I'm very proud of her. Some of the things that come out of my sisters mouth amaze me. The girl's smart. Mensa smart. Her best friend, Melanie is also Mensa smart. Melanie has taken the Mensa test and did really well. We both know that Lindsay would rock the test. However, Lindsay's escared to take it. One day we'll get her drunk enough to take it. In the mean time, the smart shit that comes out of her mouth is proof enough. I've never been jealous of my sister. I am a smart girl too, I'm just more likely to deliver a zinger rather than useful information. However, I am sometimes jealous of the amount of information and logical stuff stored in her head.

Some of that information and smarts would be especially useful right now, because I'm totally getting my ass kicked by the Nancy Drew game. Yeah, that's what's pissing me off today. That damn kids game on the easy setting is just too much for my little brain. I'm not sure that this kids game has heard so many bad words before.

...I should just send it to my sister to finish.

1 comment:

  1. It took you THAT long to figure out your sister's smarter than you? Just kidding, I can't figure out half the shit my 8 yr old plays.


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