Monday, February 09, 2009

Not sure what's going on...

I don't know what happened this weekend, but I was able to be totally lazy and still get a ton of work finished. Maybe it was the rain keeping zen or maybe just keeping me at home. I got tax stuff finished, organized my financial stuff, listed all my shoots for the year, organized photos...I mean shit got done!

So now I'm off to the DMV to finally finish with the name change...six months later isn't so bad right? I even have the papers filled out already, due to the getting shit done this weekend.

Wish me luck...I've never been to this DMV and I'm feeling a little hesitant. The thing is there is a uber awesome DMV up the road half an hour. I know that one's relaxed and runs smoothly, you get a number then sit and read until you're called. For some reason I'm dreading this least I have my iphone to keep me busy.

Then back home to take advantage of getting shit done faze...I even cleaned the microwave, I'm on such a good run!

1 comment:

  1. um, when you get done with that getting shit done vibe can you forward some onto me? I'm running a little low :)


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