Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Yesterday was a normal day up in Big Bear photographing vacation homes. I knew it was going to be a light day of shooting, so I brought my friend Tracy with me to help. Mostly to just hang out. She's a photographer also, so I made sure to let her know there'd be snow and to bring her camera. We ended up having a blast. It was a mellow day and we just enjoyed looking at some vacation homes and stopping taking photos of the lake. It was just a really nice day.

while we were taking some photos of a house. Tracy had this great red hat and scarf on. So I told her I had to take some photos of her.

So she decided that she needed to photograph me also. Its cute but all I see is fleshy face! I guess that should be my next resolution....

This is the late just as the sun started setting. It was beautiful. That light layer of ice on the lake was beautiful and we loved the pattern of the cracks in it.

Here is full sunset. The light was amazing!

Of course when there's a sunset with light like that, if you turn around there's usually beautiful light on something else...I just wanted to move right into one of those homes.

Of course here's Tracy

1 comment:

  1. Your photos are beautiful. Sounds like a lovely way to spend your day. You and Tracy are too cute!


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