So we made it back to the mainland. Now I didn't want to leave, but I am so glad to be home. I'm back in my own bed, with my kittys and my own cozy little apartment. I have always been pretty happy where I've lived but this is the first time I've come home from a fantastic vacation and was just as happy to be home. It's pure comfort. However, getting back into the swing of things has been a pain in the arse. The house that was clean the night we got home, seems to be a mess a week later. errr. I feel like I've been dealing with a lot of work, but on the other hand I don't feel like I've gotten anything done in the last week at all.
So instead of telling you about my boring week, I'll show you a few more photos of our last day on Kauai. We pretty much spent the last day squishing in as much snorkeling as we possibly could. We drove back up north to Ke'e Beach and snorkeled for a couple of hours. When we got to the beach that morning parking was a pain! There was none. Luckily there was a lot farther back up the road. Of course walking up to the third floor every time we wanted to go some where, this little walk was beautiful.

This is how serious the parking is there...

On the way to Ke'e, we found our new it!

One of the oddest things that I have seen was there...chickens on the beach. Tons of baby chickies too. They are just as shameless as Seagulls. Will walk right into your area and go through your shit like it's theirs. We made sure our stuff was pretty secure, then went snorkeling for a few hours. It's hard to tell but there are little baby chicks all aver behind the chicken.

After we left we headed back to a little place we had lunch at earlier in the week....yu-umm. I think I had kalua pork with this awesome ahi poke...the best! Then of course we had our last Shave Ice...oh how I miss you shave ice! Aren't they perfect!

Then we got back to Lydgate park to take some underwater photos. Of course it was murky. I'll upload the underwater photos tomorrow...they're fun. Of course there are a few photos in there that will not see the internet...why my husband decided to take a photo of me underneath the water, I still don't know. Straight on, red bathing suit, imperfect body(only slightly of course), water magnifying...he thought it would be cute...horrid!
After our last snorkeling adventure, we ran back to return the snorkel gear. Then we decided to actually visit a water fall. Of course we couldn't find it. We stopped at the overlook. Got out and walked around. Nothing. Was this waterfall dried up? How were we missing it? So we got back in the car and headed out of the parking lot...then we saw it. So we turned around and drove back in to the parking lot...dorks. We got a quick photo in front of the waterfall. Then headed across the street to look over the river. Next time we go back we are taking the inner tube canal ride. They drive you up to a private plantation. Put you on inner tubes, put a headlamp on you and sent you down the canal. Apparently you go through a bunch of tunnels and caves. We heard it was awesome. So while standing above the river we decided this tube ride was a must. There were also some really nice people up there to take our the end of the week our ability to take photos of ourselves was diminishing.
Tiny waterfall to the right of me...understand how we missed it the first time?

This was a great view. It's very hard to see but to the right of the river is a little historical village...lost falls village or something like that. Those aren't trees so much as roofs with palm fronds on them. I wanted so bad to go down there but we were exhausted.

Where else can you walk around in a towel as a skirt and it's normal.

We really pushed a lot into one day and of course we left the touristy shopping for the last day...mistake. I could barely take it, neither could Mario. I had promised Tadao (otherwise known as the cat feeder) that I would bring him back a "Girls of Hawaii" boobie calender. For some reason Mario would not buy was up to me to walk up and buy the titty calender...wimp. However, it was worth the look from the sales girl...priceless. We shopped for some things and then headed over to the ABC store for the real cheesy finds and then headed home. Packing ensued and then I passed out cold. I'm not sure what I was thinking, but I booked us on an 8:30 am flight thinking that it was a decent time to leave. However, I forgot that we needed to check out, return the car, and check in to the we got up at 5:30...I think I'm don't remember anymore.
Long flight and so happy to be home. The cats barely acted like they remembered us. However, then they were velcro...stuck to us. Bob has been sleeping between me and Mario since we got back.
mmmm. . . beach chicken.