Not bad huh? Yeah I think "Holy Crap!" was what I said. We are in a third level condo with a nice loft bedroom and although it's hard to tell, that water is about 30 yards away. The weather is beautiful. We thought and were told it would be very hummid. It was a little bit hummid last night but today has been wonderful. There has been a great breeze all day and we'll be sleeping with the balcony doors open for the second night in a row. The ocean is so loud, I love it.
Once we had breakfast and got going, we went to a nice island orientation here at the timeshare. This guy told us all the places to go and all that fun stuff. He gave a great idea where to start and what not to miss. After the little orientation we walked out and jumped right in the pool. Yeah it's one of those pools that is only like 30 feet from the ocean. Tons of lounge chairs facing the ocean under the palm trees.

This is what our view was in the afternoon...After a quick nap, we decided to go for a drive. We explored the south part of the island. Two things I learned today. Kauai is my favorite island so far and second, it's infested with chickens. They're every where. Even in the costco parking lot (Where I might add, we were offered a spam hotdog. We tried it and I hate to admit it, but it was good in a creepy way).
We did a little exploring, a little food shopping, more swimming, and a little meeting people. It was a great day. Tommorrow we'll drive north and see what's up there.
Here we are looking a little sleepy, a little sun kissed and feeling very happy...

I promise you more photos tommorrow.
As we are in the middle of a pseudo monsoon (well maybe its just lots of rain...but still!) I must admit I am slightly envious of your tans and ocean views. I'll settle for living vicariously through your vacation :) Enjoy!