Thursday, September 25, 2014


While we are very very patiently waiting for a call from the state for our home inspection, I'm trying to get the house and our life organized and then more organized. I really want to get things finished now, so that when we get a foster placement, we can spend all our time on that and not fiddly stuff.

This means I have one of those lists that I make each week and just keep adding to it.
-Put up the hanging pendant reading lights up in the bedroom (we've had these for almost a year, because I couldn't decide if the shades were too small. Turns out they look great.)
-Organize the linen closet again. Strike that, organizing all the closets again.
-Rearranging the kitchen to include kiddy stuffs. How is it that we have so much random crap in the kitchen that we never use! Also, our tupperware is like a living thing, some multiplies while others disappear.
-Making a better work station for me. I have no storage. So the person that thrives on organization, really has very little.
-Adding baby furniture in means rearranging and trying to find better solutions to our floorplan.
-getting the garden ready for fall planting. I didn't plant beets last year and seriously regret it!
-Since the cat broke their cat tree, we are trying to see if we can expand their world and maybe make put shelves on the wall for them like a catwalk.

Maybe not this complex and bright...but we might as well use wall space instead of the ugly behemoth we have that takes up so much floor space. The only problem is the weight of our cats. We searched Ikea for shelves that can hold our plus size girls. Believe it or not they do exist.

Beside organizing the house, I've been trying to get my life in a good spot. Not like I have all that much control over my life, but there are definitely things I can work on. My business, my head, planning goals, debts, lots of marketing, taking care of as many details of life and getting them all mostly figured out. One of the things we have definitely been working on for a while is debt and planning towards a house. That's straight forward. I've been streamlining my business since I started, because every year is different. However, if I can get it as much in line as possible now, I feel better.

One of the things I've really needed to work on in my life is friends. It's one of the things I talked about in our foster care interview with our social worker. We need to make sure we have people we can really count on when life gets tough. I don't feel like I have anyone close by that I feel that way about. I have friends that I'm close with and I have friends that I was very close with, however, I don't have any best friends. I've been missing that. The one person who I would consider my best friend is over in Arkansas. I miss her a lot and really miss that time we spent together! I need someone closer!

So, that's been something I've been focusing on again. I've kept in contact with some women from our foster care PS-Mapp class. I'm happy I hunted them down, because it's good to see where we all are in the process and I feel like I'll need that connection in a friend. So, I do hope to really keep in contact and get to know some of them better. 

I have also recently found a groupon It's a group of ladies in Burbank who plan out little events locally. I am so excited! I already went to a strange movie with two other ladies last night and already made a connection with one of the women who wants to learn more about photography. 

It's really making my heart happy to meet new people. I only see a limited number of people working for myself, so it's good to supplement that with good friends. Just getting to know more people is making me happy and also helping me pass the time waiting for our foster care license!

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