Is it February already! I can't believe it's been a couple of weeks since my last blog. I've had funny stuff happening and everything!
1. The good part is at least I have a good excuse...busy business! Always good. I've been working on my website and it's almost ready to be posted. I'm very happy with it. I just have to name all my images. I'm getting there. I've just had to put it aside for a little because I was sick two weeks ago and now business has been picking up. At least I am almost there though!
2. This has been one of those weeks that I am just happy. No reason really. Work is great. We are over our colds. I have Mario home for a few weeks on break from work before they start the new season of the show...I'm always happy to get extra time with him. Rain is expect in a couple of days. What more could I ask for! All together it just makes for a good week!
3. Mom came for a visit a few weeks ago and we had a blast. We ate crab every night she was here. We apparently needed to compare the quality of the crab at two restaurants and crab at home. I wasn't going to fight her on it. We ate crab and drank champagne, got pedicures, shopped, and hit a museum. It was a full weekend and it was awesome!
4. I'm back in archery! I started taking my friend's daughter with me and another friend. She is just that type of 10yr old that would love it..and I was totally right...she LOOOVES it! I'm happy to have someone to go to class with and she has her request for a "play date with Laura" fulfilled. Although she did inform me today that this doesn't count as a play date because it's archery.
5. Yesterday morning I walked into the bathroom while Mario was showering. I was surprised that he had finished and was standing outside the tub with his towel draped on his shoulders and one leg up on the side of the tub looking very much like Captain Morgan. So, I put my leg up on the tub like captain Morgan and asked why he was standing like Captain Morgan He said he wasn't captain Morgan, he was George Washington crossing the Delaware. I cracked up. The man is weird Then he corrected himself and told me he was actually George Washing-done. How long did he stand there coming up with this?
6. We have been living with a needy needy object in our life. Mario's car. It was cute at first. A PT Cruiser. We found out very fast that this was not a reliable car at all! Luckily Mario had gotten the repair insurance on it (something I would have veto'd had I known) and it has saved our butt and our bank account many many times. Then in the twice in the last year, Mario crunched the the back rear lights on his car. We have been planning our exit from this car for the last two years. Adding in the repairs on the rear of the car and it not being dependable, we were just not loving the car at all. Then one day a few weeks ago, Mario got a letter from his loan company letting him know about trading his car in. I told him to just go take a look. I didn't think anything would come of it really. Why would they take a trade in with a crunched up rear end? Well they did! I was happier to put that $1000 down on a dependable car rather than fixing the PT. We are now in a much nicer and more reliable car with far better gas mileage We love it! It must have been a good decision because three days later the car lot called and told us to come back in and redo the paper work. With the trade in, Mario's credit score jumped and he was now eligible for a lower interest rate. Our payments are now $25 bucks less a month. The decision to trade in the PT was obviously a great decision!
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