After looking around for a bigger apartment, we've resigned ourselves again to sticking it out in our tiny apartment. It would be a huge luxury to have a bigger apartment but it comes down to saving money and paying off bills.
What does this mean? Spring cleaning! This time Mario got the organizing bug up his butt. I'm all for it. We started the weekend before Thanksgiving. We started by deciding what furniture that would really help us. Figured out how much money we needed to make to get that furniture. Then photographed all the non essential doo-dads and furniture that just isn't working for us, put it all up online and waited. It's amazing how fast people jump on some things. We had calls within 10 minutes. We sold all the main pieces we needed to by Monday. Bought two of the four pieces of furniture we needed Tuesday night and ended up staying up most of the night organizing and shuffling things around.
We bought a mucho bigger entertainment center. It's almost a little on the too big side, but we seriously needed the storage. I'm not sure if I've told you how many dvds Mario owns... ridiculous. Now, all the dvds, books, and doo-dads have a home. They all have their spot and I love it.
The second piece of furniture we got was a pantry for the kitchen. Most of you have seen the state of our kitchen....tiny. We've spent most of the four years here trying to come up with more storage in the kitchen. We've added a big cute shelf for storage, a portable dishwasher for counter space and washing our dishes obviously. And now we've added a floor to ceiling pantry. It's a monster and yet dreamy at the same time. There are big drawers with all the canned goods. There are shelves for equipment storage. And my favorite are the wire basket drawers for fruits and those! We still want to get a second pantry for the other side of the fridge. They'll box in the fridge and hopefully look good. We just need to get doors for this one.
I figured that we'd be on a hold with the rest until after New Years. However, Mario came home last night wanting to get the fourth piece on our list. A cute shelf for the bedroom with lots of baskets. Plus he wanted to get a bunch of fabric baskets for our linen closet. So, again, we stayed up all night sorting, moving, and donating shit. There's still a ways to go for sure. But I'm excited by how much Mario is into the purging and organizing. There's lots of planning and really trying to figure out what will work for us.
The good news is, this year we'll have enough space for a real Christmas tree!!! I'm so excited! Not our little fakey guy. Real and actually a good sized. So, this weekend, we'll be buying our tree and decorating it up. After we hit our storage and find our Christmas shit! Maybe we'll even find some things to sell!
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