Last night we decided that today would be the maiden voyage for this crock pot. Since we are up in Big Bear once a week for photo shoots and today was a Big Bear day, how great would it be to come home to a fully cooked meal?! So last night I cut up tons of veggies, cabbage, carrots, leeks, celery, and fennel(don't like licorice but I love oven roasted fennel. Slice it up, salt, pepper, a little olive oil. Roast it until it's soft. So good and not licorice-y). I put everything in a bowl and in the fridge. This morning Mars loaded up the crock pot with the veggies and pork shoulder(sounds gross to me but I trust the man with the meats).
I was a little apprehensive of leaving for the day with a heat source going at home all day, but a little excited at the potential all the same. I was telling Mario as we were driving around, "if this crack pot works out tonight, this is going to be awesome. Especially when it gets cold. Coming home to a nice cooked meal" Well the "crack pot" slip killed Mario. Totally unintentional, but he thought it was funny and little did we know how telling it would be. Cause this wonder that is the crock crack. I don't think we'll be able to stop using. We came home to the best meal EVER! Two hours up to Big Bear, photographed all day, drove two hours home, exhausted, to a wonderful dinner. It was so great to be able to walk in, think I'm hungry, and there is a fully cooked meal on the counter...I think I'll have some.
The best part...I turned it off, let it cool, put it in the fridge for tomorrow. No clean-up and there are LEFTOVERS! I loves me leftovers! This was the best wedding gift...almost as good as getting the husband!

Ah the joys of married life! I honestly don't know what people did without crock pots. And a great tip, even if you forget to be all prepared and get food out the night can throw the meat in frozen with a little water, cook it on high and still end up with a wonderful meal!!
ReplyDeleteP.S. I bet your meal would have been fabulous with some biscuits and homemade blackberry jam ;)