You know that camping weekend that we missed last month because of food poisoning? Well we finally made up for that missed camping season kick-off. I pretty much made new reservations for camping two days after our last canceled trip. I set up my "Birthday Camping Extravaganza 2008!" at Montana De Oro State Park in San Luis Obispo. It was a pretty darn good time. My sister drove down from San Fransisco. Mars and I drove up from LA. A couple of friends came in for the weekend from LA and a friend in the area stopped by. It was not only my birthday but Mars' and my first camping trip together in the two years we've been together....awwww (I know cheesy). It was a nice, relaxing, lazy, foggy weekend with tons of awesome food. Saturday my sister and I got a tiny bit drunk...a tiny bit. However, because of this drunkeness there is now a series of about 25 photos of me and my sister trying to get a nice self portrait of the two of us(the photos that we actually look cute in are out of focus...can't figure out why). We of course thought it was hysterical, the rest of the group ignored us. They stayed sober so I'm sure they really appreciated us. Check out the slideshow of our
"Birthday Camping Extravaganza 2008!" We also have a new series of photos of Mars called "Weekend at Burney's" The man can sleep anytime, anywhere and would never know about the embarrassing photos of him. You can see those below...

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