Tuesday, July 20, 2010

A.D.D. Blogging

My life is incredibly boring right now. I've been working on photos and the restaurant...and that's it. Or so it seems. Our most exciting event this weekend was getting our new used air conditioner and a sponge bob ukulele. Both awesome. Air conditioner is quiet, cold, and moves that air through the house. It is everything that the old air conditioner wasn't. The Ukulele is sponge bob yellow with the whole Bikini Bottom crew on it. It is also cool. However, it is louder than the air conditioner, but it's fun so it's ok.

Today I went and got sushi without my sushi buddy...to our usual place. Felt a little guilty. Not enough to call and extend an invitation...it was pretty late after all. I did feel a little guilty about ordering the dreamy butter and garlic edamame and a new super yummy roll we have been thinking of getting. Guilty enough not to send the taunting text message " haha I'm getting sushi and you're not" or "mmmmm sushi" that I usually send. I'm not above rubbing it in friend's faces. However, she'll tell you that I must have really felt fairly guilty not to have sent that text message.

Few nights ago, I was getting ready for bed. I went into the bathroom, stripped down, got out my tooth brush and started brushing my toofs...when I noticed an abnormality on one of my breasts. I froze. Then I choked on my toof brush when I started laughing. I had three cheerios stuck to my boobs. Of course it was a hot day. So a little sweatiness mixed with the cheerio's crunch enhancer, meant those bitches were glued on.

My excitement for tomorrow...BINGO! I would have never thought that at age 34 I'd be running Tuesday night bingo. It's actually fairly ok. I talked Tadao into being the MC for the bingo tuesdays. He loves the attention. The little old ladies love him. It works out perfectly, plus he gets free super. It does get exciting when the hardcore players come out. I love it. There's some heckling, some yelling, some jumping in seats. It's actually pretty cute to see how excited and competitive people get. Exciting right? Who am I kidding, I love that shit. I would however, like to see a little shit talking in the game. That my friends, would be awesome!


  1. so you're nice enought to not say anything when I called you on the phone last night and so guilty that you only posted it on the blog for everyone to see???????? Sushi Cheater. I'm gonna go get sushi for lunch now. :P
    And we are so getting the edamame next time. How was the other roll?

  2. Well, I didn't know we were getting sushi when you called. We didn't go until 9...however, good news is that they now have happy hour from 8:30 to close! Decent selection.


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