I'm pretty sure I've talked about my attempt at a little vegetable garden. However, I'm not sure if I mentioned my farm.
Ok we just call it the farm, it's actually a little 10 x 20 foot plot of garden in a big community garden. It's been fun and hard work all in one. Mostly hard work so far. There seem to be a million rocks in this little plot...a million. We decided to dig down a half foot and then put a couple of flower beds in. Which was a pain in the ass(the digging not the flower beds). Now that we have the beds in, we've been sifting the dirt. Trying to get all those pesky rocks out. We've had recruits helping, hoping for payment in the form of some fresh veggies. Well, there might actually be a chance of payment...I finally planted one of the beds!
Yes just one. But at least one. If we plant nothing else this year, at least we'll have sweet corn, zucchini, radishes, onions, carrots, tomatoes, and something else (I can't remember what I planted).
The second flower bed is built and the bottom is chicken wired. The chicken wire is to keep the gophers out of the beds...and me. While attaching the last of the wire to the bottom of the bed, I took a step back, tripped, got my feet clothes-lined in the wire and flipped myself backwards out of the flower bed. I laid on my ass outside of the flower bed laughing. Mario gave me a "10" from the sidelines. Angela tried to ask me if I was ok without laughing. It was nice of her. She was yelling at mario to help me up. Apparently he's finally gotten used to my falling because he just kinda waved at me and told her that it's normal.
At least I got one veggie bed planted!
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