Saturday, November 15, 2008

A.D.D. Blogging

So I missed a few days blogging. I'm so stinking busy with work. I have four projects going at once and I don't know what to do first. My house is a mess and I'm badly in need of a shower. I not really complaining. In this economy I'm glad I'm busy. But at this point I feel like I need to hire someone to help out a little. I have two friends that I pay to come with me on my Big Bear shoots, but now I have so many little projects going on that I need a little help with editing. I've been working 7 days a week for I don't know how long. I do take my time off to hang out but, I seem to spend many nights sitting in front of the computer working on images. I had another friend who owns a business tell me to hire a house cleaner before hiring an assistant. It's a good first step, opens up time, and is a major treat to have someone else clean the house. I love the idea but can't seen to bring myself to actually call someone. When I do think about calling someone, I start questioning whether we'd be able to afford it. Now I know that I just need to take that step and just do it. I know that's I'll find the money. Cut out a dinner out once a week and we're set. I can go around and around in my head with this. ehhhh...

I'm so over the 90 degree weather in November! It's just not right...

My Sister-in-law works for Disney. I get to see the new movies the weekend before they open. Last night we saw Bolt. So cute. A couple of scenes got the tears going. Besides the mushiness, it was a funny movie. Rhino(the hampster) stole the show. Go see it...

Mario is also in animation. He's a story board artist. So of course he buys a lot of the movies that come out. Tonight he came home with Kung Foo Panda(also very cute). Of course he's been working on a new show and working very long hours. Being a Saturday, he got all excited about staying up late and watching his new movie...he passed out in half an hour. So I get to listen to his movie and his snoring...

To allow myself to concentrate on my photos and block out the movie and loud snoring, I decided to listen to nature sounds. Rain and thunder. I love it. It's totally blocking out the noise, but this shit's putting me to sleep...


  1. Totally get the cleaning woman. To this day, I still cry for our beloved Krystyna. We could no longer afford her and being forced to clean our own filth makes me sob.

  2. I agree. Cleaning lady is in order. I almost got one myself but never called and now that money is a bit tighter, I will have to wait. I just one someone to clean the bathrooms and the floors, the rest we will do.

    While you are enjoy the 90's we are have snow storms. Cities just north of me are expecting 6 inches of snow. Its supposed to snow for the next 6 days! Come'on snow days!

  3. You should move to Portland! This weekend has been amazing! Sunny, the temp says it's only mid-fifties but with the sun out it makes it feel much warmer and I've been walking around in shorts and birkis... Granted earlier this week it was monsoon rainstorms and getting to school involved crossing many streams and rivers that previously didn't exist.. and that this weather although nice is a total fluke.. but those are just minor details :)

  4. I really want to get a cleaning lady...then I start wondering if money will get tight come winter....aaagggghhh


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