It was a great afternoon and definitely brought back memories of great picnics with my dad. We spent every other weekend with dad. At first I think he felt he had to find ways to entertain me and my sister. However, he soon figured out that he loved finding little places for us to picnic. The man loved him a little history and photography. So any adobe, tepee, historical homes were fair game for picnicking and photographing. He became a very talented photographer, and he also became quite talented at packing up a great picnic. All the sandwich fixings, drinks, snacks, games, anything else we might need, he would have packed up and ready to go when we showed up for the weekend.
We lived on the east side of the San Francisco Bay. The San Joaquin and the Sacramento River feed into the Bay. What attaches the bay and the rivers is "The Delta". The Delta is a huge maze of islands and sloughs. One of our favorite spots to picnic was Hogback Island. It's the tiniest of have to take a couple of bridges from one island to another to get to it. There's a big grassy area for picnicking. We'd have such a great time. Playing games, eating, fishing, hanging out and just joking around. The only problem was the wind. Go out at the wrong time and you'd see people chasing their sun tents down the island. One day we went out to the island and it was windy as hell. We weren't giving in though. We sat there making our sandwiches. Hanging onto our paper plates, baggies, napkins. We were feeling a slightly miserable but happy to be outside. As we took turns making the sandwiches, the two pieces of cheese dad had just placed on his sandwich were blown away by a big gust of wind. We sat shocked. And then laughed our butts off. None of us really knew that our cheese was in danger of being blown away.
Picnics were such a big part of my life and I miss them. So Saturday's picnic brought back a lot of little memories of Saturdays with my dad and sister. So, sorry suckers, I'm in picnic mode now and will be planning the rest of our weekends for the summer with picnics at adobes and missions.
Here are a few shots from one of our many picnics.
Of course this is how we really acted
And no that is not one of the windy days, that was a can of hairspray...yes the bangs are a thing of beauty!
I need to move closer to you so we can have picnics together.