I told you before about our old little apartment with the plaster walls. Well, she's also blows breakers all the time...wow the dirty minds. She only has two fuses for each of the four units. It's fine all winter long but come summer, let the breaker popping begin. It really is a good time to get to know the neighbors. We can all be found daily (sometimes multiple times) walking to the end of the house to flip the breakers back on. As I write this I see my neighbor heading to the breaker box now...no kidding. It's nice to know we're not alone with the breaker problem but somethings telling me it's time for an electrical update.
Because of this we've learned what to have going at what time. Also, what can and can't be turned on with what. Hair dryers, microwaves, toasters, and vacuums can not be run at the same time as the air conditioner. The washer can be run or the dryer can be run, but not both at the same time with the air conditioner...This I tend to forget after I run both the washer and dryer together all fall, winter and spring. The list and lessons go on, but I will not bore you.
We spent the weekend turning our tiny little backyard into an oasis. It is organized, clean, rearranged, and perfect. Then we came inside last night and realized the state of the inside of our house. So today, I sacrificed my air-conditioning for a clean house. I got up and vacuumed first thing. I have the washer and dryer going. (Poor Mars was running around this morning trying to find the one clean shirt in the house. He does all the cooking, at least I could have a clean shirt for the man) Yes I could run just one load at a time with the air on but it's all about getting the chores finished today...so I can enjoy the rest of the week sitting in my clean house with my air-conditioning on full blast.
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